
Our team

Mr DaSilva

Email: fdasilva@sunriseprimaryschool.org 


Mr DaSilva


As a School Principal, I am deeply invested in your children's education and well-being, and I believe that the school plays a crucial role in shaping their future. Parents are impressed by the reputation and values of our school. As a school principal i ensure that all school operations are well managed and to ensure that our school policies are aligned with the NQF policies.

Mam DaSilva



Mam DaSilva

Deputy Principal

As educators, we play a crucial role in shaping the minds and futures of our youth. Our dedication, passion, and hard work make a lasting impact on the lives of our students. We not only imparting knowledge and skills, but also instill important values, foster critical thinking, and encourage personal growth. We create a safe and nurturing environment where students can learn, explore, and thrive. Our tireless efforts in planning, teaching, and assessing ensure that each student receives a quality education tailored to.

Mrs N Kukulela. 

She is an Educator and SMT member.


Miss V Mgqithi

She is an Educator and SMT member.


Mr MP Nsimbi

Email: nsimbi@sunriseprimaryschool.org


Mr MP Nsimbi
Educator and SMT

As an Educator & SMT member, my role is to ensure that the daily operations of our school are running smoothly. My  ability to multitask is crucial in ensuring that our classrooms  and a school as a whole runs efficiently. I also play a vital role in supporting our team and providing excellent educational service to clients. I am so glad to be the part of the school winning team.


All copyright reserved created Enigma Website Solutions. Pictures by Sunrise primary School and videos by Amadela-Kufa Entertainment.