

Get in touch

To contact Sunrise Primary School, there are a few ways you can reach us. Firstly, you can visit our school premises located in Umzimkhulu, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Our address is easily accessible and our friendly staff will be happy to assist you with any inquiries or concerns.

Place an order

To place an order at Sunrise Primary School, parents or guardians are required to visit the school and submit an application form along with the necessary documents. The school will then review the application and the student's academic records to determine eligibility for admission. Upon acceptance, the school will provide the necessary information and procedures for enrollment, including fees and payment options. Parents or guardians will also be required to sign a contract outlining the school's policies and expectations.

Sunrise Primary School

At Sunrise Primary School, we believe that consultation is an integral part of the education process. We value the input and opinions of our students, parents, and staff members, and strive to create an open and inclusive environment for all. Through regular consultations, we are able to identify areas of improvement and work together to find solutions. Our consultations also allow us to celebrate our successes and recognize the hard work and dedication of our school community.

Contact us

513 Border Location,New Clysdale Umzimkhulu , 3297



All copyright reserved created Enigma Website Solutions. Pictures by Sunrise primary School and videos by Amadela-Kufa Entertainment.